2007-08-21 20:54:31 UTC
Hello to the Theremin Nine~~
My Theremax has developed a second tone in addition to the first. In
the middle registers (don't know the Hz, but it's around A-440) I'm
hearing an overtone that's a diminished-fifth lower, and it's really
Anyone else have a Theremax? Anyone else have this problem? Anyone
else fix it? (Don't send me to the PAiA website, it's all electronic
Greek to me.)
Thanks for any help in advance....
My Theremax has developed a second tone in addition to the first. In
the middle registers (don't know the Hz, but it's around A-440) I'm
hearing an overtone that's a diminished-fifth lower, and it's really
Anyone else have a Theremax? Anyone else have this problem? Anyone
else fix it? (Don't send me to the PAiA website, it's all electronic
Greek to me.)
Thanks for any help in advance....